Don’t settle for 2nd best

The MammaPrint Breast Cancer Genescreen

Every year thousands of woman,
– mothers, sisters, and daughters
are diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
The damage caused takes years
to heal, and families are brought
to their knees. Here is a solution.

The MammaPrint and BluePrint
screen provides a clear answer
to personalize the treatment for
early-stage hormone receptor
positive breast cancer with
up to three (3) nodes.

MammaPrint is done on FFPE
blocks and identifies genetic
low risk individuals who can
safely forgo chemotherapy.

BluePrint screens the tumor for
80 additional genes Oncologists
can use to tailor the endocrine
therapies for the best outcome.

Did you know? Before genetic
testing treatment plans were only
based on physical things we can see.
At the genomic level physicians can
now examine the tumor activity to
make a more informed decision.

The MammaPrint is FDA-cleared
and backed by peer-reviewed data
with the highest level A1 evidence.
MammaPrint is reimbursed by many
medical funders in Southern Africa.

Breast Cancer in South Africa

This highlights the importance of
screening for the best outcome.
We are saving lives and money.
You can read more on CANSA.

It’s important to know that
Ultra-low risk patients have
excellent health outcomes on
little or no hormone therapy.

If you need more information
about our genetic services
please do not hesitate to
get in touch with us here.

We are here to help.

yes or NO to Chemo

Personalized Medicine

With the introduction of genomics
the healthcare industry is changing
and we need to change with it as we
embrace the research to see if what
we are doing is indeed optimal.

There are more and more people
who seek alternative ways to find
healing and while many succeed,
many more fail to see it’s not as
simple as forgoing medicine.

The MammaPrint GeneScreen is
a basic step before treatment, but
it will require that your Oncologist
evaluate the report to see if they
should change their original plan.

In our experience not all people are
ready for change. Some are stuck in
their comfort zone, unwilling to learn
or apply what’s good and true, even
if it smacked them right in the face.

Gknowmix brings peace of mind to
many woman in South Africa who are
faced with early stage breast cancer.
If you desire a better treatment plan
then you should insist on this test.

Complete this form to see if you
or your patient fits the criteria
for this genetic testing service.

Prof Maritha Kotze

Please Note: ONLY Oncologists who are registered with the platform can request these DNA services on your behalf. If your Doctor is not registered, please direct them to get registered.