It starts with your family.
Keep Your Genes Healthy
We pass our genes on to the next
generation, and by keeping them
healthy we can change the future
for ourselves and our children.
GeneCare Life forms part of a family
wellness center where we provide a
healthy genes program with genetic
counselling, lifestyle coaching, and
the Wellness GeneScreen™.
At GeneCare we empower Life Coaches,
Genetic Counselors, and Dietitians with
a tool their clients can use to get much
more than a consultation session.
Who We Are
GeneCare was brought back to Life by
Prof Maritha Kotze in collaboration with
other healthcare providers and research
grants. Prof MJ Kotze is rated by Google
Scholar as being an extraordinary
human molecular geneticist.
With over 140+ publications she holds
a deep understanding of the complexity
individualized healthcare brings with all
the epigenetic factors at play in the
progression of non-communicable
diseases (NCD’s) like cancers.
To bridge many of the implementation
barriers in the healthcare industry she
designed the Gknowmix platform for
the seamless integration of research
results for personal patient care.
To learn more about the Wellness
GeneScreen and how we prescribe
wellness programmes please
Photo: Prof MJ Kotze
What We Do
— Create Awareness
For The Truth:
We are all born with genes we
inherit from our parents, and
those who are inactive with
a BMI over 25 are at risk for
NCD’s like heart disease,
cancers and depression.
GeneCare lives to be the #1
total healthcare application.
It’s designed with you in mind.
To monitor and manage
health through GeneCare Life.
— Keep Genes Healthy
Your Genes are Influential.
Keep your genes healthy and
work towards a better future.
From $39 pm the GeneCare
team will Prescribe Wellness
Programmes for your family.
If you are not in good shape,
then please complete the Pre-
Screen questionnaire to get a
comprehensive report with all
the lifestyle changes you can
make to keep yourself healthy.
— Provide The Care
For the FAMILY to be AWARE.
The biggest problem in the
healthcare industry is that
our healthcare professionals
can’t keep up. Many suffer
and it’s not acceptable.
Being unhealthy is expensive,
and we cannot expect others
to carry the burden for our
own lack of participation.
We have to stay healthy!
Impact Stories
Karen decided to FIGHT BACK
and she reversed Multiple Sclerosis
with the Rapha Regimen™ Program.
Karin is now a marathon runner
who creates awareness for MS.
Take these steps with us:
Step 1: Get a free Wellness Report
Step 2: Request Genetic Counselling
Step 3: Go for the Wellness GeneScreen
Step 4: Start the Healthy Genes Program
Please complete this form. We will
process your information with the
Gknowmix system to generate a
comprehensive wellness report.
Let’s keep your genes healthy.